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Private Vacation Homes .com - RazorSoft

Posted by on December 11, 2017 is both a searchable portal for vacation home rentals in Orlando, Florida and the home of single page sites for specific properties.


The Portal is a simplified search. Just select the number of bedrooms you need. It’s that simple. Portal

The search results are displayed in a special table. The table can be sorted or filtered instantly. In the image below the word Disney has been typed into the filter box, so we see properties with the term Disney in their name. Portal Selection

The portal is the utility part of the site.

Single Page Sites

Beyond the portal is the single page sites that provides. These sites feature a single home, linked from the portal or anywhere for that matter. Home

The content on these site pages is driven by a backend where the owner of the property can provide his/her own content including a variety of bullet points, pricing, images, etc.

Each section on the site is configurable by the property owner.

About the Property

The details in the content here have been entered by the owner. The icons that display on the bullets can be changed by the owner from the owner’s backend portal. Even the name of the property can be changed. About

Availability for Rental

The property availability calendar is displayed here. The calendar is navigable as well. Availability

Property Amenities

The property amenities are displayed in this section. Amenities

Pricing Bands

The owner can set his/her own prices. Pricing


Photos of the property are displayed as thumbnails here. Photos

A larger version of the photos can be seen via a lightbox. Photo Lightbox


Guests and potential guests can contact the owner directly using the form on the site. Contact


Of course the site looks amazing in any viewport size. Home iPhone


Posted in: Sites


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